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Research & Resources
Parent and Teacher Resources - See Below
Area Historical Societies, Centers, and Resources
Museum of Seminole County History – “The Museum highlights Seminole County, the historical gateway to interior Central Florida via the St. John’s River. All artifacts housed in the Museum have been donated by residents. Exhibits, artifacts, maps, documents, photographs and special events all tell the stories of Seminole County’s inhabitants, their lives, lineages and local legends.”
Geneva Rural Hertitage Center – “In 2007 some citizens of the eastern Seminole County rural area decided to form the Island & Village of Geneva Rural Heritage Center to celebrate and help preserve their rural heritage. The organization was incorporated and subsequently applied for and received a 501(c)(3) status from the IRS. In 2009, the Seminole County School Board generously offered to donate the historic Geneva school house to be the home of the new Rural Heritage Center. The Center partners with the rural communities of Black Hammock, Chuluota, Geneva, and Snow Hill to create a community learning center providing hands-on learning to the Central Florida community.”
Museum of Geneva History – “The Museum of Geneva History was dedicated in 1965 by the Geneva Historical Society after receiving land donated by Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kilbee and taking out a small loan for the construction. The Society needed a place to house the many artifacts that they had been collecting from settler families of the Geneva area since the Society was formed in 1952. ” Also see: Geneva Historical & Genealogical Society
Lake Mary Museum – “The Lake Mary Historical Museum exists to preserve and promote the history of the city and the surrounding area. Efforts to maintain and enhance the museum are accomplished by members of the Lake Mary Historical Society and other volunteers.”
Sanford Historical Society – “The Sanford Historical Society’s purpose is to foster interest in the preservation of information and artifacts related to the history of Sanford and the surrounding area. The Society shall support the efforts of the Sanford Museum to accomplish this purpose.”
Genealogy Search EngineThe largest free ancestral search engine on the internet.Search Military Records
This site has an extensive military collection on findmypast includes 3.6 million records from Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Britain and the United States
Genealogy and the Law
From the Site: "Because of the geneology hunt involves sifting through court and county records, marriage licenses, certificates of birth and death and other official documentation, it's important your're familiar with some of the terms you will encounter."Billiongraves
"BillionGraves is the world's largest resource for searchable GPS cemetery data, and is growing bigger and better every day. You can help by collecting headstone images from local and other cemeteries, and then by transcribing the personal information found on the images. "
A Beginner’s Guide to Building a Family Tree Online
Military Indexes
Directory of links to online military indexes and records for geneology research. "Included are rosters, databases of soldiers, draft card databases for World War I and II, and listings of military and war casualties."
Podcasts of Florida History(ARCHIVED) CMF Public Media History – ” CMF’s mission shall be to develop, fund, produce and distribute via the Internet downloadable audio podcasts and on-line audio streaming of program content reflecting issues and voices that matter in Central Florida; doing so in a style that first advances those issues and voices rather than advancing CMF’s own voice.” Podcast Link – See also on iTunes
The RICHES (Regional Initiative for Collecting the Histories, Experiences and Stories of Central Florida): “RICHES Podcast Documentaries are short form narrative documentaries that explore central Florida history and are locally produced.” The Florida History Quarterly – Podcast Link
Central Florida Memory - Central Florida Memory is a cooperative project begun in 2002 by three institutions: The University of Central Florida Library, The Orange County Regional History Center, and The Orange County Library System. UCF has been the primary technology support and host institution for Central Florida Memory since its inception. Starting in 2002, UCF has been the project lead to secure grants and digitize materials from our own collection as well as selections from partner institutions.
Historical Markers Located in Seminole County – (courtesy of the Sanford Historical Society) – “The Florida Historical Marker Program recognizes historic resources, persons and events that are significant in the areas of architecture, archaeology, Florida history and traditional culture by promoting the placing of historic markers and plaques at sites of historical and visual interest to visitors. The purpose of the program is to increase public awareness of the rich cultural heritage of the state and to enhance the enjoyment of historic sites in Florida by its citizens and tourists. These markers can be generally identified by their green background and gold lettering.”
Sanford Museum
520 E. First Street
Sanford, FL 32772
(407) 302-1000
http://www.sanfordfl.gov/index.aspx?page=456Seminole County Historical Society
P.O. Box 409
Sanford, FL 32772-0409
(407) 665-2489Student Museum
3001 W. 7th Street
Sanford, FL 32771
Open: M-F 1:30-4pm
Email: Myriam_garrett@scps.k12.fl.us
http://www.millennium.scps.k12.fl.us/smuseum.htmlBradlee-McIntyre House
130 W. Warren Avenue
Longwood, FL
Lake Mary Museum
158 Country Club Road
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Open: By appointment
http://www.lakemarymuseum.comGeneva Historical Society
P.O. Box 91
Geneva, FL 32732
http://www.usgennet.org/usa/fl/county/seminole/Geneva/society.htmCentral Florida Society for Historic Preservation
P.O. Box 520500
Longwood, FL 32752-0500
(407) 332-0225Museum of Seminole County History
300 Bush Blvd.
Sanford, FL 3273
(407) 665-2489
Geneva Museum
165 First Street
Geneva, FL 32732
http://www.usgennet.org/usa/fl/county/seminole/Geneva/museum.htmSanford Historical Society
P.O. Box 168
Sanford, FL 32772-0168
http://sanfordhistory.tripod.com/Seminole County Historical Commission
300 Bush Blvd.
Sanford, FL 32773
(407) 665-2489Sanford Historic Trust
P.O. Box 536
Sanford, FL 32772-0536
http://sanfordhistorictrust.org/Oviedo Historical Society, Inc.
P.O. Box 620841
Oviedo, FL 32762-0841
http://www.oviedohistoricalsociety.com/Altamonte Springs Historical Society
380 Lake Seminary Circle
Maitland, FL 32751Other Interesting Sites
Oviedo Traditions – a community resource by The Oviedo Preservation Project (TOPP)African American Genealogy and History of SC, GA, and FL – “Lowcountry Africana is entirely dedicated to records that document the family and cultural heritage of African Americans in the historic rice-growing areas of South Carolina, Georgia and extreme northeastern Florida, an area that scholars and preservationists have identified as a distinct culture area. Lowcountry Africana was developed with a grant from the Magnolia Plantation Foundation of Charleston, South Carolina.”
National Register of Historic Places – Seminole County
Oviedo Chickens – History of the “Oviedo Chickens”
Florida Trivia – Answers.com website – topic: Florida
Florida History Trivia – Answers.com website – topic: History of Florida
Personal Historians – Discover the joys of preserving personal history
Florida African-American Heritage–From the FLGenWeb Project
Florida Births and Christenings, 1880-1935 – Searchable at FamilySearch online, name index to birth, baptism and christening records from the state of Florida. This set contains 28,301 records.
Florida Deaths, 1877-1939 – Searchable online from FamilySearch, name index to death and burial records from the state of Florida. This set contains 24,800 records.
Florida Marriages, 1837-1974 – Name index to marriage records from the state of Florida. Microfilm copies of these records are available at the Family History Library and Family History Centers. This set contains 860,110 records.
Florida State Census, 1885 – Schedules of the Census of Florida taken by that state in 1885. All counties then in the state are represented with the exception of Alachua, Clay, Columbia and Nassau. The 1885 Florida State Census is comprised of four schedules – Population, Agriculture, Manufactures and Mortality.
Florida State Census, 1935 – Population census for the State of Florida for the year 1935. This 1935 Florida State Census is an every-name list of the state’s inhabitants. The census is arranged alphabetically by county and then geographically by election precinct. All counties within the state are represented, although some election precincts are missing.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers – Hosted by the Library of Congress. Search, view and download newspaper pages from 1900 to 1910 from CA, DC, FL, KY, NY, UT and VA
National History Day – Engaging Teachers and Students in Historical Research and Skills Development.
National History Day Teachers’ Resource Page – Historical Research and Skills Development for Teachers.
Primary Historical Source Documents – World War II – American Battle Monuments Commission.
FamilySearch Wiki– Florida records and resources.
Parent/Teacher Resources
Private & Guided Tours of the Historic Lawton House
We provide tours of the Historic Lawton House. Any school or organization may request in-classroom outreach visit where we share about Oviedo history. The Society also provides hosted guided tours. For more information about this, contact us.
Teachers, Parents, and Community Organizations
Plan a Field Trip to the Historic Lawton House
Explore the At Your Location Student Programs
Find new Teacher Resources
Scout and Troop Tours
Seminole County History
The Museum of Seminole County History is dedicated to preserving the history and culture of Seminole County and its place in Central Florida, and educating the public on its unique heritage."Touring Seminole County" is a convenient interactive guide for those interested in locating historical markers while traveling through Seminole County. The guide includes a map, driving directions and information about the markers. Seminole County Historical Commission has been responsible for placing over 48 historical markers throughout the County and has numerous sites for consideration in the future.
Museum of Seminole County History
History Seekers is a collaboration between the Museum of Seminole County History and the Seminole County School Board. The curriculum developed has been separated by age group into two sections: Junior Seekers (for grades 6,7,8); and Senior Seekers (for high school). To begin your journey through the history of Seminole County, select one of the topics below.History Seekers - Quiz
History Seekers - Projects For High School Students
UCF RICHES Project Celebrates 10 Years - Background
RICHES of Central Florida is an umbrella program housing interdisciplinary public history projects that bring together different departments at UCF with profit and non-profit sectors of the community. Central Florida has often been associated with large-scale, commercial tourism and housing development. While those aspects of Central Florida are important to the economic growth of the region, much of its history has remained unnoticed and under researched.
The Public History program at UCF links many projects under one initiative to promote the collection and preservation of Central Florida history. By facilitating research that records and presents the stories of communities, businesses, and institutions in Central Florida, RICHES seeks to provide the region with a deeper sense of its heritage. At the same time, the initiative connects the UCF students and faculty with the community and creates a foundation on which Central Floridians can build a better sense of their history. Check out our projects to learn more!
RICHES Mosaic Interface™
RICHES MI is an interactive digital collection of Florida’s history. This FREE tool offers a searchable database with access to images, documents, podcasts, oral histories, films, and visualizations. It combines time and geographical results with text analysis techniques to help you find hidden connections within the archive. Visit RICHES™ MI here.
Resources from Florida Memory
State Library & Achives of Florida
Florida Memory Online Classroom
The Florida Memory Classroom is designed to help teachers and students use photographs, documents, sound recordings and film footage from the State Library and Archives of Florida to explore history.
Digital StorytellingDigital storytelling is a way to tell a story using images, video, audio and music. Florida Memory has over 500,000 photographs, audio recordings, videos and primary source documents that can help you shape your digital story. Explore a particular topic in history, literature, science or mathematics by sharing a story about a person, community or idea. (Source: Florida Memory)
Florida History Day is an annual statewide activity sponsored by the Museum of Florida History. A Florida History Day entry can address any person, event or idea from any time or place in history, but it must relate to the National History Day theme.
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