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Join the Oviedo Historical Society
Help Preserve Our Community History
Our Membership
Championing New Members
New members provide energy, direction, and new leadership opportunites. And, we look to challenge the way traditional societies have been. The Oviedo Historical Society aims to provide an immersive experience of our local history. We've been building on that because of members like you who attend the meetings, share about the society and its events and brings someone who may have an interest in what we do or wants to learn more. Individual membership dues are only $25 annually.We build annual programs which provide outreach to the community and to partner organizations. And, we look to be a bridge through our membership and its people to connect to "Old Oviedo", to share our history, and our collective ancestry. All are welcome so come with your suggestions . As we look to do fewer things better, jump in and tell us what annual events you'd like to take part in for the coming year. We hope to provide an enjoyable experience for members and your guests alike.
The Oviedo Historical Society Board
Selecting A New Board
Every September, we elect officers for the coming year. Board volunteers are leaders who are entrusted with the care of the Lawton House, its artifacts and events. They elect to serve in one of the following positions.We have built a great foundation for new leaders to step into. We look for innovative and fresh ideas to attract and engage our younger community; long-time and seasoned leaders who and tie our legacy and mentor the newer community members and board colunteers. Interested? Think about the role in which you’d like to participate.
Here are the leadership positions:- President
- 1st VP
- 2nd VP & Membership
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Historian
- Member-at-Large
- Member-at-Large
- Membership ApplicationPlease fill out the form below to join the Oviedo Historical Society.
- Membership PaymentThank you for supporting the history and legacy of Oviedo for generations to come. We look forward to your participation. Let us know why you chose to join and what you'd like to get out of your membership!
Checks can be made to Oviedo Historical Society, Inc. or, click on the button below to make payment.
About Us
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We're Hiring!
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© 2021 Oviedo Historical Society